Wednesday, February 22, 2006


kiteboarder_01, originally uploaded by timophoto.

When I saw kiteboarding a couple years ago I was sort of laughing inside. I figured it wouldn't last--it seemed a very expensive and laborious recreational sport. But, in spite of my doubts, it has flourished, especially here in Minneapolis. What else are you gonna do on a cold-ass, windy day in February?


salongirl_01, originally uploaded by timophoto.

Sometimes I just go out wandering, with no specific idea in mind other than to see what I find. I love the spontaneaity of street photography! I was parking my truck downtown to go into a cool little coffee shop I found recently in the north loop. I think I was listening to a hockey game or some program on the radio, so I was in no hurry. I noticed this woman working behind the counter of a salon through the window. She had a presence about her and I was immediately interested in observing her as she was finishing with a customer. I decided to try to take a few shots and came up with something mildly interesting and acceptable. When I returned home I played with it in photoshop and came up with this b&w noisy rendering.

How do you see the world?

My blog consists of photos from my world of visual exploration. I am a freelance photographer from Minneapolis. I work in Minneapolis and Los Angeles. I mostly shoot people photography--headshots, portraits, etc. I also like to shoot sports and stuff for stock. I also work as a photo assistant.

All content on this webblog © Tim Olsen