Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I 35W Bridge Collapse in Minneapolis

top_20070801_4071 copy.jpg, originally uploaded by timophoto.

The look on this police officer pretty much summed it all up for me. I think he was kind of in shock, just as we all were. Maybe he was amazed at all the on-lookers who turned out to catch a glimpse of this tragedy. The whole north-bound section of the Interstate plunged into the Mississippi as it curls around downtown Minneapolis. I spent the better part of two hours trying to find a good location to shoot from, but the police and other rescue crews did a good job of setting up the disaster recovery scene. You can see all the pics on my flickr page by clicking the image. I will update more also, asap. Please say a prayer for those affected and remember the rescue crews as they are doing a good job under extremely bad circumstances.

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