Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fill the Boot

Today I went for a long bike ride. I had just returned home from the DMV after failing my written test to get my MN driver’s license, as my CA DL is about to expire in a few weeks. I couldn’t believe some of the stupid questions that were on the test. I would rank Minnesota’s test even more stupid than California’s! So, anyway, I decided to forget my driving woes, grabbed my point and shoot and jumped on my bike.

It happened that it was rush hour, so I took the Greenway east into the heart of the Twin Cities. I decided to get off on the surface streets to see if I could find something interesting to shoot. A few minutes later, I came to a busy intersection where some firefighters were running around in stopped traffic. As I got closer, I could see they were actually walking down two lanes of cars taking donations for Jerry’s Kids. It kinda gave me a warm fuzzy seeing our Minneapolis firefighters making a huge contribution to helping the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. It’s all part of the Fill the Boot campaign that Minneapolis and many other firefighter unions across the country are participating in to help Jerry’s Kids.

The driver in the truck above surprised firefighter Linda from Minneapolis Fire Station No. 7 with a $100 donation! Now that’s what I call filling the boot!

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